GI Map Education

GI Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP) Test

The ground-breaking test targeting vital markers for gastrointestinal health

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Q: Would you please advise the % accuracy of the GI-MAP test. If the same stool sample was processed separately 3 times, would the results be identical?

A: Yes, results would be almost identical, although there could be some very slight variations. In fact, some results look almost identical when run at 3 to 6-month intervals. And family members also tend to have very similar results. So, the day to day variance is negligible.

Q: With recent research determining how varied the microflora is along with the different parts of the GIT, how much of this microbiome picture are we going to be getting from this GI-MAP test?

A: The GI-MAP is not designed to identify every organism present in the GI tract. It is designed to positively identify – and diagnose- common pathogens, and assess the most relevant dysbiotic bacteria/yeast/parasites. In addition, it evaluates important “keystone” species of bacteria, which allows practitioners to assess the overall health of the microbiome.

Q: For parasitology accuracy, most stool tests require 3 days of stool samples. How does the GI-MAP maintain its accuracy with only one stool sample?

A: DNA analysis is highly sensitive, allowing us to detect organisms in amounts as low as a few cells per gram of stool. Microscopy would be unable to detect levels this low, so to improve the chances of recovery multiple samples are required.

Q: It would be helpful to know what order and length each product needs to be used with each bacteria /pathogen to get the best results. Does DFH/ DSL have any information about this?

A: Generally, this information can be found in the DFH interpretation guide and product sheet. You can also check the Dosage and Protocol guides on the GI-MAP Resources page. Keep in mind, duration of treatment may vary from person to person depending on the organisms found and the severity of dysbiosis.

Q: When shouldn’t a patient undertake this test?  E.g. What are some interfering factors that would make this test inappropriate, or affect the results?

A: There are really no “interfering factors”. DNA analysis is unaffected by drugs or diet. A practitioner may, however, wish to wait a couple of weeks after antimicrobial therapy to allow the microbiome to reach a steady state.

Q: Please advise the accuracy of the laboratory testing for the GI-MAP test?

A: When it comes to laboratory reporting, % accuracy is described in terms of sensitivity and specificity. Although the analytes vary slightly, the sensitivity and specificity are generally about 95% or better. DNA technology allows for greater precision. That’s why most hospital and reference labs commonly run DNA analysis for pathogens. However, those labs run DNA on a multiplex platform, while Diagnostic Solutions takes it the next level – by running qPCR (quantitative PCR) DNA analysis.

Q: How are the normal limits of all these bacteria established

A: Some by FDA standards, others by a combination of literature, population studies and datasets.

Q: Why would a client potentially order a GI-MAP test over a PCR stool test from their doctor or a CDSA test.

A: PCR stool testing from the doctor would have a limited number of analytes, no assessment of beneficial flora, and no – or very limited- intestinal health markers. CDSA relies on microscopy and culture methods, which limits its sensitivity. The GI-MAP test is entirely DNA based and is a much more reliable test, as many practitioners have discovered.